Watchdoc ScanCare - Configure a Mobile Print mailbox


It may be necessary to configure a Mobile Proint mailbox for Microsoft Office with OAuth2 Authentication.

Access the configuration interface

To access the device configuration interface:

  1. from the server desktop, click on the ScanCare shortcut created automatically during installation;

  2. in the Watchdoc ScanCare administration interface, click on the Mailbox Inputs menu entry.

Add the mailbox

To create a new inbox for a Microsoft email account:

  1. give this mailbox a name ;

  2. choose the type ‘imap with Oauth’ ;

  3. set the host to ;

  4. specify the port for IMAP (usually 993);

  5. add the user name of the mailbox you want to use;

  6. Copy the values for :

    • Client ID ID

    • Client key (secret)

    • Tenant (owner).

  1. From your Azure application configuration, register the Azure application for OAuth2 authentication and IMAP mailbox access.

  2. Once all the values have been entered, click on ‘Authorise’ :


  1. On the Microsoft login page, enter the user name (for the account you have just set up) and the Microsoft password: