Watchdoc ScanCare - Configure a Mobile Print mailbox
It may be necessary to configure a Mobile Proint mailbox for Microsoft Office with OAuth2 Authentication.
Access the configuration interface
To access the device configuration interface:
from the server desktop, click on the
ScanCare shortcut created automatically during installation;
in the Watchdoc ScanCare administration interface, click on the Mailbox Inputs menu entry.
Add the mailbox
To create a new inbox for a Microsoft email account:
give this mailbox a name ;
choose the type ‘imap with Oauth’ ;
set the host to ;
specify the port for IMAP (usually 993);
add the user name of the mailbox you want to use;
Copy the values for :
Client ID ID
Client key (secret)
Tenant (owner).
From your Azure application configuration, register the Azure application for OAuth2 authentication and IMAP mailbox access.
Once all the values have been entered, click on ‘Authorise’ :
On the Microsoft login page, enter the user name (for the account you have just set up) and the Microsoft password: